

Registered Crops

This product uses a bionic plant formula. Its main effect is to increase the endogenous hormone levels in the early stages of flower, fruit, leaf and root development, and to produce more robust plant organs. The specific effects are as follows:

· Promote germination, neat and strong shoots, and promote seedlings to take root
· Protect flowers and fruits, lengthen fruits, beautiful fruit type, cultivate strong young fruits
· Strong resistance to disease and disease, increase yield and quality, and have antipyretic and fatal effects

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    2. 主站蜘蛛池模板: 汕尾市| 集贤县| 工布江达县| 永泰县| 海兴县| 邵阳市| 兰西县| 翁源县| 德庆县| 丰宁| 呼玛县| 富顺县| 宣城市| 博野县| 凤庆县| 南川市| 资源县| 西青区| 靖远县| 泰顺县| 青川县| 吉水县| 神农架林区| 阿拉尔市| 白银市| 乐陵市| 石家庄市| 开封县| 二手房| 丰宁| 集贤县| 黄石市| 芷江| 宁强县| 临潭县| 同江市| 西平县| 德令哈市| 靖西县| 湘潭市| 承德县|